Governance of the Foundation
The governance of the iSHARE Foundation is organised in a manner that the iSHARE Network can operate and grow in a sustainable way. At the same time, its governance provides the appropriate checks and balances that will allow iSHARE Participants to provide input, supervise ongoing activities and collaboratively influence the growth and development of the iSHARE Standard and Scheme.

Rules about the foundation’s organisation and its governance framework are captured in the statutes of the iSHARE Foundation. The iSHARE Foundation is listed in the Commercial Register (Handelsregister) maintained by the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) under registration number 73058289.
Data Spaces appoint members in iSHARE Foundation
Data spaces are developed by and for participants, data spaces that use iSHARE as trust framework get a seat in the iSHARE governance structure and through that structure have an influence on the further development and representation of the interest of the data space:

Data Space Governance run independent
Data Spaces build upon iSHARE’s trust framework define their own standards and working and governance. Within that governance data spaces decide on the Taxonomy, Interoperability and Value creation of the data within the data space.

Trust Governance
iSHARE Foundation certifies iSHARE Data Space Governance Bodies, Authorisation Registers and Identity providers, to enable data sovereignty in data spaces. These parties will be audited regularly to assure the processes and level of trust in the network.
Further Reading
The following page describes the governance framework of the iSHARE Scheme. Please, see below for detailed descriptions: Governance Framework