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The Telecommunications Sector is stretching traditional data management infrastructures beyond limits. This includes data from new “smart” technologies like machine learning and IoT, data exchanged with partners, data generated through social media interactions, transactional data, and more. Telecom Businesses spend considerable time and resources tracking down data sources, slowing down operations, impacting data insights, and increasing storage costs. Security and privacy are other top concerns for Telecom Companies collecting large amounts of data about their customers, which can result in data breaches, identity theft, cybercrime, and the use of data without their knowledge or consent.

A new community of major telecom providers like NTT, KPN, and T-Systems are setting global standards for secure and interoperable data sharing. These efforts in collaboration and standardization are laying the groundwork for a more interconnected digital ecosystem, enhancing trust and accessibility across global telecom networks.

The iSHARE Trust Framework enables the seamless integration of diverse data sources in telecom businesses to enhance data quality and reduce duplication. The robust security protocols within the iSHARE Trust Framework protect against data breaches and ensure compliance with privacy regulations, thereby building trust among businesses and partners.

Discover how organisations in the Telecommunication Sector can potentially benefit from the implementation of the iSHARE Trust Framework.

Ready to take the next step and become part of the data-sharing landscape as an iSHARE Member?