Major step forward in data connection with CBS for container goods transport
In recent weeks, Portbase, CBS (Statistics Netherlands) and Rijkswaterstaat (the Directorate-General for Transport & Water Management) have taken an important step towards building a database of container goods transport data and making it available to CBS.
Data delivery via Portbase is now operational, thanks to the cooperation of various container terminals in the port of Rotterdam and the support of VRTO (the Association of Rotterdam Terminal Operators).
In a pilot project, ECT (Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam) was the first container terminal in Rotterdam to make its data available via a direct link, thereby playing an important pioneering role. Data is now flowing to CBS from several terminals via Portbase. This gives CBS multiple ways of enabling logistics stakeholders to supply their data.
CBS, commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, is investigating possibilities for visualising the routes taken by containers through the Netherlands from start to finish as part of a project to improve the visibility of container transport in the chain. CBS links the mainport data to data from other hinterland logistics sources.
The project aims to provide public authorities, and by extension the business community, with (very up-to-date and detailed) data which they can integrate into their dashboards or use for policy and research. It is worth noting that CBS only makes statistics available in aggregate form, which means that individual companies cannot be identified. The project has the support of the Top Sector Logistics.
The data can be used to better monitor all the developments throughout the logistics chain, and is therefore important for informing better policy decisions on the construction and use of multimodal infrastructure (including the infrastructure of seaports).
In order to produce good statistics, CBS needs data on the routes taken by individual containers. These are supplemented with data about the cargo, via a link to the customs files. The automated uploading of data files to CBS facilitates safe and efficient data collection and replaces the use of surveys, reducing the administrative burden on companies.
Secure and controlled data sharing
Portbase is an important intermediary source in the supply chains, contributing to the safe, efficient and reliable exchange of logistics data and the compilation of national and international statistics.
CBS can collect from Portbase the data that terminals already supply the latter with, so putting into practice the principle of lean operation: one-time data acquisition for multiple use. This likewise generates significant efficiency gains for companies and public authorities in the logistics chain.
iSHARE – authorisation is important
iSHARE plays an important role in safe and controlled data sharing throughout the chain. The terminal, shipper, carrier or forwarder give explicit permission for the transfer of data in an authorisation register, and only then may data actually be transferred.
These iSHARE permissions ensure that the data sharing process proceeds smoothly and in a controlled manner for all parties involved. The Portbase authorisation register complies with the iSHARE standards. In the interests of all stakeholders, CBS, Rijkswaterstaat and Portbase are striving to achieve an effective application of the iSHARE system.
This article was originally published on Portbase’s website.