Blockchain startup CargoLedger joins the iSHARE scheme
As of this month, customers of the startup company called CargoLedger can now share their logistics-related data in a more secure and controlled manner through the blockchain. Moreover, the data can be shared safely with unknown parties as well as familiar ones, since CargoLedger has become a participant in the iSHARE scheme.
CargoLedger uses blockchain technology to facilitate simpler, safer and more efficient data exchange and financial administration relating to cargo transport. This logistics and supply chain startup is now also benefiting from the iSHARE authorisation functionality which enables parties to be given rights to access and process specific data.
Hjalmar van der Schaaf, co-founder of CargoLedger, explains: “We use blockchain to improve the efficiency of flows of goods, information and money. Blockchain creates more transparency and more trust, thus reducing the business risks. It makes compliance easier too. Now, through iSHARE, data owners can delegate rights and data access to users of CargoLedger while retaining full control over their data at all times. As a result, it’s easier and safer for us to provide our customers with data from third parties – organisations that are unknown to us. iSHARE offers unique opportunities in this context and an extra layer of trust.”
“It’s extremely relevant for our customers that the right data can be shared and verified conveniently, quickly and based on trust, such as when parties use a blockchain-based e-CMR when delivering goods. Is the person who accepts the delivery actually authorised to sign for it? And which systems must that data ultimately be uploaded to? In that case, it’s about providing the right access to third-party systems and data: verifying identities, signing in and checking rights. iSHARE adds value in that context and also in the exchange of digital signatures.”
In order to offer its customers this extra service, CargoLedger has made some technical adjustments to its systems and implemented the iSHARE API specifications. Additionally, the startup has signed a contract with the iSHARE Foundation agreeing to uphold the scheme’s quality requirements.
Gerard van der Hoeven, director of the iSHARE Foundation, comments: “I’m often asked whether blockchain renders iSHARE obsolete. It doesn’t – quite the opposite in fact, because certainty about the identities and rights of the various parties is especially crucial for blockchain applications. So I’m very happy that CargoLedger – as the first blockchain player – has joined the scheme. Moreover, CargoLedger is the third e-CMR supplier to join, following in the footsteps of TransFollow and Collect + Go. This means that the e-CMR can now be used to exchange data between even more suppliers. This will boost the use of the e-CMR in the Netherlands, which is nicely aligned with the objectives of the Top Sector Logistics.”