iSHARE at Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Europe
The mission of the conference is to discuss the experience so far in the deployment of MaaS solutions, PTA/PTO perspective on MaaS, benefits and challenges, emerging trends, recent developments, business and service models, and the way forward for MaaS in Europe. The conference will also highlight new technologies, solutions, and opportunities in MaaS.
The conference will bring together experts from leading public transport authorities (PTAs), public transport operators (PTOs), taxi fleet operators, ride-hailing and ride-sharing service providers, micro-mobility providers, local and city governments/authorities, solution providers, system integrators, fleet management software providers, technology platform suppliers, car-leasing and renting service providers, fare collection system suppliers, ticketing infrastructure providers, investors, consultants, ICT infrastructure providers, insurance companies, regulatory organisations, R&D institutes, and academic institutions. They will present their perspective, share lessons learned from previous projects and offer possible solutions.
Join Vinith Bhandari – Operations Manager of iSHARE Foundation while moderating Session 6: Empowering PTAs: Navigating Dilemmas in the adoption of MaaS and Rajiv Rajani – Chief Technology Officer of iSHARE Foundation in Session 12: Data Infrastructure, Sharing and Security. Review the complete agenda here.
Explore further details here or directly fill out the Registration Form.