DATA WEEK 2023 - Data Meets Infrastructure at the Edge
Data Week 2023 will be held in Luleå, Sweden at the Quality Hotel on 13-15 of June, 2023, with the central theme “Data Meets Infrastructure at the Edge”.
Data Week 2023 is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data Driven AI research and innovation communities. In Data Week, the participants share knowledge and results, discuss topics of common interest, find synergies, build new collaborations and identify new challenges and recommendations. Data Week also links the communities and their results to the European policies and market needs and brings European initiatives and activities closer to local communities.
The event is co-organised by Big Data Value Association and the EUHubs4Data project in collaboration with the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE).
Data Week 2023 presents sessions, panels and talks delivered by European and national level high-level speakers, and leading Big Data Value and Industrial AI industry and research experts. It approaches the topics from the angles of technology, research, policy and society, bringing the perspectives of the whole ecosystem together. The European Research and Innovation projects have an opportunity to present their findings and celebrate their achievements. The insight given by the contributors sheds light on new directions of innovation for years to come.
Read more about the event, check the agenda, meet all the speakers and REGISTER here.